When trying to redirect a discontinued order to a different cosigning provider in Order Chronology, you cannot see the original cosigner that was selected. You cannot even see who the discontinuing Provider is in Order Chronology. to see any of that you have go to Verify Orders> Physician Entered Order Report> enter the date the Discontinue was done > remove initials> Run Report OR Reports & Attachments > Nurses Notes > Patient Progress Notes > enter the date the Discontinue was done > Ok and those reports are only for the ordering provider. If you want to see the cosigning provider you have to run another report, Cosign/Verbal Orders report & that is only if you get to it before it is cosigned. I had 3 screens pulled up just to redirect 5 orders for a cosigner. the attachment shows a nursing order that was discontinued. All that is viewable it the original ordering provider. another provider, that is a midlevel needing a cosignature plus needing the cosigner redirected, discontinued this order. when another hospitalists comes to me wanting to know who discontinued the bedrest order and WHY they can't see it, am I to give them the pathway to run of those reports to search for it?