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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Flowcharts
Created by Nikki Csiki
Created on Jul 28, 2022

Need a functional and dynamic interdisciplinary Plan of Care application; get rid of the flowchart nursing problems.

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  • Suby Philip
    Mar 12, 2025

    We are also looking for exactly the same thing. Notes, eForms, and flowcharts all have their limitations. If it is developed on a new documentation platform that can be accessed from the console, can pull content into notes, and has a database link option to generate statistical reports, that would be good too.

  • Nikki Csiki
    Apr 29, 2024

    Status update?

  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Nov 28, 2023

    I would like to see a section for Short Term vs Long Term goals, Ability to free text SPECIFIC interventions (instead of selecting from a pre-typed list), ability to indicate which discipline is "responsible" --ex: is it more Nursing, PT, OT, ST, Cardiopulm, etc. driven problem/goal? AND to be able to indicate whether the goal was Met, Not met yet, or modified at that date/time documented on. Would also be nice to have a "notes" section to be able to add in if family was present, and anything else specific about that specific care plan related encounter. And yes, if it could all print out for audit purposes, that is a need too. Also...not a must but if there could be a field in the provider note that would flow into the plan so that they could update any change in their plan while typing their progress note and it would flow to the Plan of Care, that would prevent extra clicks in workflow as well and really add to the multidisciplinary aspect of the planning.

  • Nikki Csiki
    Jan 23, 2023

    How is Evident handling this issue related to the 21st Century Cures Act?

  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2022

    This is a HUGE component to nursing documentation that should be prioritized. Leaving Care Plans in Flowcharts while moving everything else is ridiculous. Nursing is not prioritizing the care plan because CPSI is not prioritizing the care plan.

    Some ideas for functionality: Anything charted within CW5 should have the ability to link to actions on the Care Plan. The care plan should have the same idea as patient education documents...if it is a diagnosis, then suggested nursing diagnoses should come up when choosing a care plan, as well as choosing your own. There should be an easy REVIEWED button that creates a time stamp and signature of reviewing nurse.