Need different pain scale options in the vital signs
Right now only 1-10 scale is available in the vital sign application. Not every patient can talk or express a number. There needs to be the option to use different pain scales such as FACES and FLACC.
AND the Vital Sign Documentation needs to flow to the Patient Progress Notes....currently it only goes into the filter for VS in the Notes application.
The ability to add which pain scale was used helps with any legal issues or surveys from governing bodies. How do you justify a pain scale of 3 on a patient who cannot talk without showing which pain scale was used?
Yes, most pain scales equate to a number. If we had a drop down box to select which scale was used or a free text area to write what scale was used that would help. preferably the drop down box, maybe with the option to free text if the scale used is not listed.
We've had some internal discussion on this topic. Most pain scales do equate to a number. As a vital sign, the number is the information that would trend. Would adding the scale type used in generating the number to Vitals be helpful?
AND the Vital Sign Documentation needs to flow to the Patient Progress Notes....currently it only goes into the filter for VS in the Notes application.
The ability to add which pain scale was used helps with any legal issues or surveys from governing bodies. How do you justify a pain scale of 3 on a patient who cannot talk without showing which pain scale was used?
Yes, most pain scales equate to a number. If we had a drop down box to select which scale was used or a free text area to write what scale was used that would help. preferably the drop down box, maybe with the option to free text if the scale used is not listed.
We've had some internal discussion on this topic. Most pain scales do equate to a number. As a vital sign, the number is the information that would trend. Would adding the scale type used in generating the number to Vitals be helpful?