Scanning DL/INS Card to their person profile without attaching to a visit
I find it very inconvenient that when a patient brings in a new insurance card for us to update their profile it has to be attached to a visit. Why is there not an option/tab to scan new/updated images without having to create a new visit?
Our Business Office Manager is bugging me about this again. She feels this is a huge oversight and her & her staff are super frustrated that this isn't already available. She has an employee going back through accounts and then notifying the registration employee that they failed to scan the DL/INS cards and that employee will say they did it and sure enough they did it on a visit but from the profile they can't see that and they have to go in and out of every single visit until they can find the visit it was scanned in on and that doesn't carry over into new visits and isn't visible on older visits, this is a huge headache and time sync I've been told. It appears to me like this has gotten enough votes to be made a priority so not sure what the hold up is, not even an update saying "more information" or "open to comments"
Our Business Office Manager is bugging me about this again. She feels this is a huge oversight and her & her staff are super frustrated that this isn't already available. She has an employee going back through accounts and then notifying the registration employee that they failed to scan the DL/INS cards and that employee will say they did it and sure enough they did it on a visit but from the profile they can't see that and they have to go in and out of every single visit until they can find the visit it was scanned in on and that doesn't carry over into new visits and isn't visible on older visits, this is a huge headache and time sync I've been told. It appears to me like this has gotten enough votes to be made a priority so not sure what the hold up is, not even an update saying "more information" or "open to comments"
Being able to scan to the profile level would be extremely beneficial.