There should be a way for TruBridge to code the STEADI: Fall Risk Assessment in the clinic setting to be able to capture a positive screen in the numerator within the ENCOR Electronic Measures dashboard for ambulatory eCQM credit.
To limit or require that the Morse Fall Risk tool be used in the ambulatory clinic setting is absurd and ridiculous. The Morse Fall Risk tool seems to be specific for inpatient populations asking questions such as IV/Heparin Lock and does not specifically give ideas for preventive measures. Whereas, the STEADI: Fall Risk Assessment specifically has evaluation results which includes the Timed up and Go (TUG) for gait, strength and balance.
As the CMS 139 eCQM states - "Identifying at-risk patients is the most important part of management, as applying preventive measures...Family physicians have a pivotal role in screening older patients for risk of falls, and applying preventive strategies for patients at risk".
CMS 139 also states: “A specific screening tool is not required for this measure, however potential screening tools include the Morse Fall Scale…”which means that by the CMS standard the STEADI: Fall Risk Assessment could be used in the Ambulatory Clinic settings to capture the eCQM requirements in the clinic settings.
See attached slide