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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Ancillary Notes
Created by Maryanne B
Created on Aug 2, 2022

Notes Filter: Abnormal Lab Results display in red on list format

Notes lab filters formatted as lists should display the abnormal results in red, the same way that they are set up in table format. This will allow providers to easily distinguish abnormal results within the lists. Some providers prefer having the lab filter in list format over table format because it takes up less space in the note, but they do not have the advantage of easily finding the abnormal results that the Table format has. Displaying the abnormal results in red for the Lab Filter List would allow equal benefits for users using the different formats, and providers will be able to identify critical results to which they have addressed or plan to address in their Note.

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  • Leona Leung
    Aug 2, 2022

    That is a great suggestion! It would help tremendously with our providers while looking back at progess notes, etc. :)