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Categories Electronic Forms
Created by Linda Pfeifle
Created on Oct 8, 2024

Annual Visit Summary (AWV) for Medicare Patients - ACO

Just wondering if anyone has created an e-form for an annual visit summary (AWV) for Medicare patients required by the ACO (accountable care organization). I am guessing eventually this will be required for everyone, but right now it is supposed to be done on Medicare patients when you are involved in an ACO. This is a very lengthy document and just wondering if anyone has created one in an e-form. My thinking is to do this as an e-form, and then do another e-form that will create an after visit summary from the answers provided in the Annual Wellness Visit. Any suggestions would be great! It would be great if Thrive would create one of these forms as it is a pretty standardized form I think and since all facilities are supposed to be part of an ACO by 2030, everyone will have to do them. Thanks!

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