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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Open for Comment
Created by Corrie Holcomb
Created on Aug 8, 2022

Allow for option of "patient refusal" for Immunizations.

It may appear that the staff failed to enter immunization status, when in reality, the patient refused. When this screen is blank, the reader must search through the chart to find the correct information regarding this information. It is an unnecessary delay of time.

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  • Roxie Montgomery
    Feb 1, 2024

    I did figure out how to mark a vaccine refused. Add new, choose the vaccine, change status to excluded instead of active then the reason option becomes active and you can put patient refused.

  • Roxie Montgomery
    Feb 1, 2024

    I believe what she means is under the patient immunization history application we need a way to indicate the patient refused vaccines. Or at least that is what I would like to see so we can go to one spot and know if they have been vaccinated or refused to be. I don't see a way to mark anything excluded in Immunization history.

    2 replies
  • Michelle Mason
    Feb 1, 2024

    If an ordered vaccine is refused, the dose should be Omitted with the reason documented.

    If the patient states that they refuse a flu vaccine, it may be entered in Immunization History and marked Excluded with a reason entered.

    Are you wanting to mark other historical vaccines as refused? Which ones?