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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Emily Stoddard
Created on Nov 4, 2024

Medication Indication Listed on D/C meds

It would be beneficial for patient's to have the reason for taking a medication (indication) listed on each medication on the discharge medication list because many patients do not know why they take medications.

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  • Christi Keating
    Jan 15, 2025

    This is an excellent patient of better communication to pt's to understand why they are taking a specific med. i.e Lisinopril is on their med list and somewhere it also providers education on it being an Anti-Hypertensive.

  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Nov 8, 2024

    I have been told that this is actually a JHACO requirement now. We are not a JHACO facility but our area nursing homes have been asking for this information and it is difficult to accommodate with the current capabilities within TruBridge. Also, this should be a provider entered item so there would need to be a prompt for the provider to address, likely during the med rec process. I know that many pharmacies get this information through surescripts when PCP offices send new electronic RX. It would be nice if this could be queried and exchanged through the CCDA medication reconciliation or in some other manner. While I do think it is nice for patients to know the reason they are taking each medication, that is placing a huge burden on hospital providers who are really only addressing acute needs to address every single medication with a reason, even if not prescribed by them.