We should have the fluid restriction show on the ID Panel under one of the alerts, like the contact, behavioral options. As far as we can tell you answer the question under patient demographics encounter for fluid, sodium, and diabetic and it doesn't populate anywhere for staff to see.
Thank you for the feedback. This is very helpful.
This is not my idea submission but I did vote on it so giving my opinion here.
We have to go to the order chron to see these currently, but as we do also address the demographic tab since they are there, it's just strange that it really serves no purpose. I do think that it would be nice to see these in the ID Panel as it impacts the patient's intake 24/7 and it is important for all care team members to know that the patient is limited in their intake allowance and that they are at risk for altered levels of consciousness, etc being diabetic and that procedures, etc. may need to be worked around insulin/meal times, etc.
I would prefer that these be connected through order entry, similar to the code status options.
Those alerts don't really mean anything to me, but they may to others.
I think that the ID panel surfaces a lot of really significant info that staff members need to know at a glance, even if they did not receive report on that patient. I know that I have really enjoyed the new ID panel design and functionality as you don't have to dig for that significant information.
Is it possible to put a "Free text alert" field on the ID panel to meet the differing needs? Example: "No BP in L arm" for a patient with a mastectomy or "HOB > 30 degrees" for a tube feeding patient or "Must wear back brace when ambulating" for a back surgery patient. Most of these do go in as orders so what if there could be a check mark on the order that says "Place alert on ID panel"? Just some thoughts... but that is the type of thing I would like to see surfaced to the ID panel.
@Guest, you have mentioned fluid, sodium, and diabetic alerts that need to be elevated to the level of the ID panel. I have a couple questions and want to understand the importance of this request.
Do you look at those alerts frequently now? or are you thinking they need to be alerts on the ID Panel because most of the other items are?
Do these alerts need to be automated through Order Entry like some of the other alerts?
There are other alerts on the Patient Demographics -
Encounter screen like Breastfeeding,Terminally Ill/Long Term Care. Are these still needed? Do they need to update the ID Panel?As for the Diabetic alert, do we need that on the ID Panel since it is a patient diagnosis? What would you gain by seeing that from the ID Panel?
Are there more important things that need to be prioritized for the ID Panel?