CMS requires that all med orders include age and weight of the patient to facilitate dose calculation when applicable. TruBridge does not have a location for this on the med order.
This data should be part of every medication order. (Not just viewed while ordering)
This data should automatically pull in from the chart (reduce duplicate work and manual entry/room for error)
This data would ideally be able to work with/populate into the dosage calc features
Dosage calc features should be available in BOTH Non IV and IV items (currently only available in Non IV items)
The weight in the med order should be in kg as metric weight is standard for utilization with medication order guidelines.
Free text/comment area is not acceptable for this for numerous reasons (character limitations, room for error with manual entry and ability to bypass or forget, and potential for a user to remove other pre-defined information while entering)
If CMS considers this a standard to "ensure safe preparation and administration" of a medication, TruBridge should prioritize this into their current development plans going on.
Attached is a reference document from that states these requirements (see page 8 of the document)