Be able to customize vital signs in flow charts - we need to have option for bi-pap, and other things and what is already hard coded there are things we dont use.
We also need to be able to customize the way the methods populate. For example, if we rarely use the oxy-mask or vent, we need to be able to move those to the bottom of the list and move Room Air to the top.
@Guest@Guest We recently added additional options for the documentation of O2 methods with Vitals Signs and Flowcharts that include the options below. Does this satisfy the needs of this request? This was released in the 22.00 release.
We also need to be able to customize the way the methods populate. For example, if we rarely use the oxy-mask or vent, we need to be able to move those to the bottom of the list and move Room Air to the top.
@Guest @Guest We recently added additional options for the documentation of O2 methods with Vitals Signs and Flowcharts that include the options below. Does this satisfy the needs of this request? This was released in the 22.00 release.
High Flow Nasal Cann**
Non-Rebreather Mask
O2 Cannula
Partial Rebrer Mask**
Room Air 21%
Simple Mask
Venti Mask
I have had many requests for Method of Oxygen to be edited to include OxyMask and to delete T-Piece.