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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Kim M Carr
Created on Dec 6, 2024

Medication Warning and Override report should pull ALL medication admin warnings.

From Ticket 10160691, trying to follow up on reported medication administration functioning not performing correctly that involved receiving a warning message that the nurse had to acknowledge during administration, we were suprised not to find the warning listed on the Medication Warning and Override report. When we asked about it we were told, "The warning box when the Dose scanned is too much and they have to select the check box to acknowledge does not pull to the Medication Warnings and Overrides Report. The Security Audit Log will show that a scan alert was received, but there is no details on what the message was exactly. If the medication is set to charge upon administration, the NDC that was scanned should save to the charge so you could look up that NDC and get the strength and compare it to the ordered dose."

Please make the Medication Warning and Override report pull ALL warnings.

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  • DeLisa Olson
    Feb 25, 2025

    Have this exact same issue. The override warnings for all eMAR alerts that a nurse clicks through should be addressed on this report or availale on a report. The steps to audit this through security and the change log is not sufficient. The wrong dose, Wrong NDC, etc when scanned to be available to pharmacy and nursing managers so they can correct actions with staff. This is a patient safety issue.

  • Kim M Carr
    Dec 6, 2024

    Another ticket today about a medication warning not pulling to the medication warning report! SIT 10160691Message:

    I apologize, my audit log was not refreshing properly when I tested inhouse. Yes the WD means Wrong Dose and is the only indicator in the audit log that the dose scanned was too much or too little. The Medication Warnings & Overrides Report was not programmed to pull this alert to the report so it would be a design change and you will need to enter your idea on the Dream Factory website.

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