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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Maryanne B
Created on Aug 9, 2022

One-Page Handoff Shift Report/More customization for 24-Hour Patient Summary

Create a one-page handoff report, similar to 24-Hour Summary or Shift Summary that nurses can use as their handoff communication to the next shift. The 24-hour Summary/Patient Summary report is an excellent resource, but loads too many pages per patient because of the lack of customization to remove certain categories such as the graphic vitals/I&O and immunizations. For nursing departments that have long-stay patients or higher ratios, having a singular page per patient, or even for their whole assignment, would be efficient to their workflow and help them communicate pertinent information to the oncoming nurse.

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  • Linda Pfeifle
    Jan 25, 2024

    This would be great if it would be more customizable. We have one shift print it off for the next shift and noticed that if the start date/time isn't here yet, then the medications do not show up on the sheet. There is an option to add future medications but then it adds all future medications no matter what the start date/time which isn't good either. Like you said, it needs to be customizable so they can pick and choose what to be on there. I know Thrive says best practice is to use the computer, but sometimes they just need that sheet of paper to jot things down, remind themselves of things, etc.

  • Mary Ruckart
    Nov 28, 2023

    Hi Maryanne, have you guys looked into using Patient Data Console for that? You can create a Shift Summary board and delimit to cards to just the information you need for handoff.

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