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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories Order Management
Created by Kim M Carr
Created on Dec 17, 2024

Auto cancel upon discharge with item exceptions

We would like the ability to have item number exceptions for auto canceling orders upon discharge. For Cardiology testing we would like to have all procedures auto cancel at discharge except for EKGs . EKG's are performed by the staff on weekend and afterhours so Cardiology does the billing during normal business hours so we cannot have EKG auto cancel on dischargAction Per Situation: 10169597 Number: 9Created Date: 2024-12-16 11:32:00Display Name: Customer ActionMessage:
it is an "All or none" setting. I can't break out items that would not auto-cancel upon discharge. However, I think this might be a good idea to add to our Dream Factory on the TruBridge website.

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  • Linda Pfeifle
    Dec 19, 2024

    I think it would be really nice if when a patient is discharged from the floor and an ancillary order such as lab, xr, EKG, etc. are still not completed that they would come up and ask the question if you want to discontinue the order, keep as active, or make it a future order. We have cases where something may be ordered in an episode but was not done due to not having the truck here for MRI, not being ultrasound day, etc., and we may want to make that a future order so we can drop it to another episode when they come back in or maybe it should just be discontinued because it is no longer needed. We need options.

  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Dec 17, 2024

    Agree- we would like this for some other ancillary items too. Like stool cultures that are still pending collection when a patient is dismissed and doc wants sent home. Or our Echocardiograms, MRIs, and dopplers are only done certain days so patient would need to come back for those on an OP basis.