When patients present to registration with an order from a new non-staff physician, registration can use the 'short' on the fly registration setup and the full table data can be entered later. However, they cannot add the result send mode from this short screen. The entire pupose of the on the fly addition is so the doctor gets the result of the testing. This should be part of the short screen.
While working with Brian WIlliamson on sit# 10171193, we discussed the possibility of this. An easy fix would be, instead of adding fields to the short screen, simply make the default send mode on all new non-staff physicians be "fax". In that way, new docs being adding on the fly by registration will receive their results for sure! Via fax! And registation staff will not be burdened with adding to the FULL LONG table data. That can be followed up by a business office person on the next business day.