Good afternoon. We need to have the ability to assign task folders based on roles. Please see situation 10188191.
DSI alerts came out in 22.00.00. We now need to create the folders for over 100 of our active physicians and MAs. Each of these UBLs has to be touched one by one.
Not having the ability to assign to a role EX physician:
You have to manually add to each login
You could miss one
You have to remember to add the task folder to each newly onboarded login
Having this ability
Create one and assign to all
Saves time
Future additions to the role will have the task folder
I foresee TruBridge creating new software where task folders need to be created. Having a way to 'push out' the folders easily will create a happier user (me), a true way to audit who has the folder, ensure new additions to the roles have the folder, and keep users from having to manually create folders for massive numbers of logins manually.
Thank you.
This idea dovetails with existing DFE-I-632.