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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Categories Thrive Web Client
Created by Linda Pfeifle
Created on Jan 23, 2025

Nurses need to be able to edit demographics from the web side without having to change departments to business office.

We have our nurses register from the tracking board on weekends, evenings, and holidays when the business office staff are not in the facility. We want the nurses to stay on the web side, but if they make a mistake with a patient's information when registering from the tracking board there is no way for them to go and edit those demographics from the web side. The only way is for them to switch their department to the business office and then go into the demographics to change. There should be a way to change those from the demographics screen on the web side. There is a demographics tab on the web chart; however, you can't change the date of birth or address. That needs to be on there so nurses can change it if necessary.

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