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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Mark Boomhower
Created on Jan 27, 2025


When ordering an initial rate for a titration protocol or even for infusions that are weight based like heparin and hemodynamic medications, the provider entering the order should have access to ALL possible configurations for increments and concentrations. The current table used for titration protocols is hard coded and facilities are unable to make additions to it. However, it's missing the concentrations for ml/kg and mg/kg.

As an example: If a patient is in for severe sepsis and is in need of fluid resuscitation, having "ml/kg" available will allow providers to enter the total volume necessary avoiding the potential for medication errors and falling out with regulatory bodies. A next level of ease for the providers in the CPOE process would be to have the dosage calculator (already available for medications like Acetaminophen)available on the Medication Order Edit screen so they don't need to open a calculator like the one included with Windows.

I've submitted 3 ideas in the past that run along similar topics. DFE-I-361, submitted 10/31/2022; DFE-I-492 Submitted 2/2/2023 and DFE- I-493 submitted 2/2/2023. Trubridge support recommended that I come to the Dream Factory and submit this as well. All 4 of the ideas I've submitted along these lines could be looked at together....

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