For patients who have meds that are previously d/c'd, It would save the providers a lot of time if they could just click renew on these meds, instead of starting over.
Example a patient comes in, the nurse reviews medications, the patient states they no longer take xyz, the provider comes in and says yes you do need to take xyz, but because the nurse removed it from the list, the provider now has to go in and add it back from New RX, instead of just clicking include dc'd medication and then renewing it.
We also have Emergency Department modify medications (usually to modify what time of day it is taken) and a discharge medication reconciliation is not completed. So we have medications that no longer appear. A refill request will come in to the clinic from the pharmacy, upon research the old one was discontinued with a reason of Modified. We finally had the physicians sign off on a clinic policy that the refill nurse could refill if it met that criteria, without interrupting the physician.