Wish we could see other facilities situations if we get approve from them to add. That way maybe if we are having the same problem we could comment, or read how to resolve the issue.
We need some way for all the facilities that have Tribridge to keep in contact with each other. I bet the number of situations that are put in would decrease.
This was my hope with Known Issues. But that is after it is reported, identified, a WR/JIRA written, then we can see it.
I was hoping that it would give Reported Issues so that we could add our site to those experiencing the same thing, which update we were on when we started seeing the issue, see if there are work arounds and also be kept updated on ETA of fixes. We get so many different reps and they don't know what other sites are reporting unless they also picked up that ticket. We can ask our rep if others are reporting it also, but they don't always know. I agree that we could cut down on the number of situations that we all turn in.