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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Cassi Loutzenhiser
Created on Feb 25, 2025

High priority or critical Situations

There needs to be a way to mark Situations has high priority or critical or something to get someone to look at it IMMEDIATELY because if I call in a Situation all that person does is create a Situation on the support portal for me and calling doesn't actually get me to a support person IMMEDIATELY. If there is an issue that is holding up patient care then we need to have someone immediately available to look at our situation and currently you can put a Sit in and hours later nobody has even looked at it at all and all the while the hospital is trying to take care of a patient and can't place an order or send a radiology image to our outside radiologist and we're sitting dead in the water.

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  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Feb 28, 2025

    If these are patient care issues, I place my sit, then send the info to (also cc my client exec and inside client exec per their preference) That typically gets manager eyes on it within 30 min or less. I believe that is currently their recommended process for these scenarios.