In hospital registrations at the visit level, there is an option to copy claim information when you input a financial class under the same structure as an existing financial class for a different visit type (ex: patient has CB1 insurance for OP and comes for clinic visit needing CC1 insurance). From census screens where hospital registration takes place in the guarantor/insurance tab, you can pull in the insurance type that is incorrect to the visit, add the correct insurance, and copy the claim information over. Then, they can delete the erroneous claim they copied from
In clinic visit screens, the add insurance option does not have this feature.
I propose that we add this feature at the profile level where it looks to existing insurances on the profile and offers you to copy claim if you set up a version of that same insurance for a different billing type (patient already has CB1 but you're setting up CC1). This would benefit clinics and hospitals alike in that they could copy data at the initial setup without having to pull forward an incorrect claim and then delete it in the visit to copy off of OR have to manually set up each new claim with the same data.