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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Cole Romero
Created on Mar 17, 2025

IV Infusion-Amount Infused box

When completing an IV infusion, can we get an amount infused option to input the volume actually infused? Right now there is just a blank comment box. I would also like this amount-infused option to automatically pull that information into the I&O section under the IV order description. This would help paint a clearer picture of what was administered with the fluid orders. If it automatically flows to the I&O area as well it would save some extra steps and navigation for nurses. Not every order is infused completely, so you can't assume the total volume from the original order was always fulfilled. Sometimes the separate I&O input gets missed causing an incomplete chart. Also, it would be nice for this amount infused to show up in the progress note and medication report. The comment box available now shows up in the med report but not when you are looking at the progress note. I would like for the amount infused to show up in the progress note so that managers, quality, compliance, etc. can see what happened clearly on the backend.

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