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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Registration
Created by AMY Henderson
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Create a Launch team that goes to the site to help correctly train and work out issues in registration for two weeks

One of the biggest issues I have seen between sites and CPSI team are issues with registration and proper verifications. The success and failure of a facility starts with registration and accurately getting patient information. A team (one or two people) to go to the site at the start to help train registration, provide resource training tools, or face to face communication on billing and insurance issues would resolve a lot of AR and denial problems.

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  • AMY Henderson
    Sep 21, 2022

    A CPSI biller on site for training sessions would allow registration to more efficiently process patient information and minimize insurance delays and decrease bills to patients that are not necessary. The success of a medical practice starts with registration.