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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Categories Ancillary
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 25, 2022


ANCILLARY Resulting suffers because it is very antiquated and inflexible. Out bound Radiology reports use abbreviated Provider names that become massively confusing in the medical community where families of physicians practice and Jr , Sr etc.. The way Physicians are list on Radiology reports can and has caused hipaa issues. This is too simple and logical of an improvement to have not happened. Abbreviated Provider names isn't even necessary do away with it entirely in the physician tables it should not "be a thing" Hospitals have regulations forbidding abbreviations of medical terms and here we are abbreviating the providers names on reports for no reason in 2022. Lab results and Radiology results look dated, our Facility suffers sometimes simply because the reports are "hard to read" mainly because of the formatting and fonts. Make reapoting / resulting more customizable.

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  • Sarah Blazier
    Dec 6, 2023

    Review the recent post by Kim Carr:

    Need full provider name to display on Lab/Rad Orders

    Ticket: Situation: 9731178

    Had a case today where when registering a patient, the clerk selected the wrong provider. The last name was correct, but the first name was wrong. The error was not identified until the receiving provider called informing us that the patient didn't belong to her. Upon review, we noted that when Lab is in the order, ONLY the LAST name shows up for them. Also, when they expand the demographics, they only see the last name.

    Please change programming to display the full provider name in the common Lab/Rad order screens. Currently this field is limited to 10 characters

  • Beth Adams
    Dec 5, 2023

    In order to properly review the need on this request we would like a little more information. When you say outbound Radiology reports, are you referring to transcriptions that are transcribed within Thrive? Or are they interfaced reports? Are the physician names in question any physician listed on the account/report besides the signing physician? What type of customization would you like to see outside of the physician name on the Radiology and Laboratory reports?