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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Thrive Web Client
Created by Amanda Caffey
Created on Aug 25, 2022

Better compatibility with Dragon Speech recognition software.

It would be nice for Evident to be more compatible with Dragon. Our physicians love using Dragon for dictation. The Evident software specifically the Web Client does not work well with Dragon.

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  • Theresa Golden
    Sep 19, 2022

    Yes, our physicians have issue with Dragon and Notes. Dragon software repeats letters frequently and randomly in Notes only. They have not reported issues anywhere else in Thrive UX or on the computer. I can't speak to Web client because they aren't utilizing it much at this time.

  • Guest
    Aug 25, 2022

    Yes , commands integrations and such would help our facility as well, time to get with the time.