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System Admin User Descriptions

***10/10/2023: WHAT IF: What if these groups, CONSOLE and COMM CENTER was driven by the ROLES and not have to be manually made and maintained??? There is WAY to much manual work with these groups otherwise.

Edited on 10/10/2023 to add this would also be hand in CONSOLE groups for pushing boards.

I'd like to stress how important this is from a user management standpoint. ESPECIALLY WITH COMMUNICATION CENTER FUNCTIONALITY!!!! There is only 1 of me in my facility, so no one else knows or feels my pain of user management, so I can see how this idea will never tally a lot of votes like other ideas. Those of us at the USER MANAGEMENT level REALLY need you to see this and the comments.

From a management standpoint in and now in CONSOLE for pushing boards, FAXING in COMMUNICATION CENTER, this would make it SO MUCH EASIER to build the GROUPS. Interestingly enough, it works in the MESSAGING part of COMMUNICATION CENTER, but not FAXING.

From a user managment view, a description of the user or their department next to their username that would NOT pull into reports is very handy. It's a quick way to glance at the user list and know if they need to be audited, such as do they still need to be active in the system. Currently I add their description such as "travel nurse" to their last name, but that is pulling to medication reports. But it makes it easy to track if they are active or not, since they come and go on contracts, work nights, and no one knows their names. Laura

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    • Sabrina Wiles
      Oct 10, 2023

      I agree, I to am the only one at my facility in this roll. User management seems to be a forgotten roll when it comes to improving the flow. Many areas would benefit from the option to create groups and to have a just like button. For example setting up groups in the co-sign queue for the clinic nurses that work with various providers. Log in associations for the same thing. With the Notes Task list drop down for covering providers to work I have to add an association for every provider in the group of contracted providers individually.

    • Laura Colbert
      Jul 5, 2023

      I'm also finding this would be helpful in building groups and security in the Communication Center!!

    • Laura Colbert
      Jun 16, 2023

      So as I continue to expand our use of Thrive, I find this description would be REALLY handy. For example, setting up groups in the Faxing of Communication Center. I have already added descriptions to my users in the "Display Name" field. This should come in handy for searching users to add them to the "Lab" faxing group. BUT, the search function must not pull from this field, as I am unable to search by "Lab" and have to search by either first or last name. This makes adding users to a fax group very cumbersome, as you have to know the user's name, not just their department. And users are typically grouped by department when it comes to fax numbers. I really hope that even without votes, this gets someone's attention. There are lot more supervisors and end users in facilities than security folks like me, so we'll never garner the amount of votes like other ideas. This would be HUGE for us that manage the users.

    • Russ Taylor
      Oct 6, 2022

      yes, I've often wished there was another field we could use to put in a description or note for every user, but, like comment below, for our students especially.

    • Nikki Csiki
      Sep 19, 2022

      This would be very useful indeed. Our facility has nursing and medical students, medical residents, contractors, etc. and it would be quite helpful to easily identify them.