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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Laura Colbert
Created on Sep 6, 2022

Better Discharge Instruction customization options

If there were less clicks involved to customize discharge docs, along with having 1 discharge doc instead of making a second one to handle those needed customizations, that would be really nice for our providers. They need to easily add follow up instructions, medication instructions, bandaging instructions, etc. Currently, that requires at least 2 discharge documents. Laura

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  • Linda Pfeifle
    Dec 13, 2023

    I agree that ExitCare was much more user friendly and patient friendly than what we are currently using in Thrive.

  • Todd Fannin
    Oct 5, 2023

    Hey Folks. I am not sure if you guys have used or are familiar with ExitCare that was the Diagnosis Specific discharge instructions platform in Centriq, but it was so easy to use, was laid out nicely on the screen, was easily read and understood by patients, and almost NEVER had a diagnosis that was not available (maybe we had 2 in the 8 years we were on Centriq). I have a Dream Factory Idea for sites to be able to use ExitCare over the (frustrating) MicroMedex that currently provides Diagnosis-Specific discharge instructions in Thrive. MicroMedex is lacking in documents and diagnoses even when you follow the proper route to search for them and lacking instructions for many ICD 10 codes. Both ExitCare and MicroMedex are third parties, so it makes sense that we should be able to use ExitCare in Thrive. Please go vote for this idea for a much better platform that provides Discharge-specific Patient Education Documents. Thanks!

  • Susan Gutjahr
    Dec 7, 2022

    We too would like to see a better 1-2 page document that can be generated to give the patient leaving the clinic discharge instructions. We are using the Discharge Summary CCD but it is several pages long and contains sections not pertinent to the patient. At a minimum, if we could hide entire sections of the Discharge Summary CCD, it would be shorter and more pertinent for the patient. And we need to be able to filter how what some of the sections pull such as active meds/problems and not all. We then have included a Plan section in the provider Note titled Patient Discharge Instructions that pulls to the CCD Plan sections. This is definitely an area that could use some immediate love. Our insurance carrier mandates that we provide discharge instructions and it is currently a very inefficient process which leaves room for error and could present a patient safety issue.