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Status Product Owner Review
Categories Order Management
Created by Chris Gabel
Created on Sep 9, 2022

Need to be able to add a frequency to Ancillary Orders - ex: hourly bedside glucose or K+ every 4 hours

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  • Chris Gabel
    Aug 27, 2024

    For the frequencies to work correctly, a duration option would be necessary as well.

  • Chris Gabel
    Nov 15, 2023

    Michelle I did try to add a frequency to a lab test in Order Set Building and there is no place to put a duration while building. This can be corrected while actually ordering, but I can confidently say no doctor is going to go into each lab test and add a duration while placing orders. See the screenshot.

    1 reply
  • Chris Gabel
    Nov 14, 2023

    Karen, for lab tests, it has to be "allowed" individually for each test in where the lab tests are built in System Menu - Charge Table-Inventory etc under OE Ask frequency.

    Nov 14, 2023

    Michelle, Is there a setting in tables that allows a frequency for items? I do not have the option to edit an ancillary item for frequency.

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  • Chris Gabel
    Nov 14, 2023

    I have tried to edit an order set for bedside glucoses. There are frequencies you can select from, such as QID but the times are not exactly as I'd like. These seem to be built differently from pharmacy frequencies and I can't figure out where to build these. Also adding a frequency should be for all ancillary departments - like radiology - for example daily EKGs. Nursing orders too - daily weights. Also agree with other dream factory ideas for being able to pre-add reasons for PRN meds and antibiotics in order sets. For example, in the Pneumonia Order set, one could pre-fill in "pneumonia" for the antibiotic or "fever" for the Tylenol order. This was possible in order building in Centriq so I know that it is a possibility. I would say in general, order set building is easier in Thrive than Centriq but would love to see the best of both together!

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  • Nikki Csiki
    Oct 31, 2023

    Hi Michelle,

    You can set up frequencies and number of tests/duration, but the issue is it does not work correctly. Lab gets no notification of subsequent draws, clinicians cannot readily see the details of the order from order chron (no stop date or number of draws on the order), order chron does not not show how many of x draws have been completed, only the first one displays and the order says "completed" even though outstanding draws still exist.

  • Michelle Mason
    Oct 30, 2023

    Functionality exists for individual items to be set up with frequencies. It is strongly recommended that a duration or number of times be entered.

    Alternatively, Order Sets may be set up with the exact number of times and frequency desired from the Start Date/Time entered during OE.

  • Nikki Csiki
    Sep 19, 2022

    This is something our facility has been asking for, upward of 2 years now. It is vital, particularly in hospital, to be able to order a labs with frequency/in a serial fashion, for example troponin q6 hours x3, or hgb q4 hours, fibrinogen q6 hoursx 24 hours, etc.