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Created by Clayton Eagerton
Created on Sep 13, 2022

Transcriptions should show in Notes

We have a few providers that still call in their notes using a transcription system. When the notes make their way into Evident, they show up in Physdoc and Clinical History, but they don't show in the Note List in Notes. Workflow wise, it would make more sense for them to show in Notes since Physdoc is going away sometime in the future.

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  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2024

    This would be an amazing feature. We had this functionality within Centriq notes. All provider notes whether transcribed or Dragoned were all in the Note application.

  • Chason Hicks
    Jul 23, 2024

    Thank you for the suggestion @Guest. Just to take it a step further, are the providers looking to be able to look at any and all types of documents/files/scans/images/transcriptions/etc directly from the Notes application? Or does this request primarily come up with transcriptions?

    2 replies
  • Susan Stevens
    Oct 19, 2023

    This is definitely a huge issue with providers but also with any other staff who need to find documentation on our patients. I would argue that this can become a patient care issue and has potential for causing harm due to the ability to miss important information if transcribed and manual creation of notes is not in one area. Just my opinion, but I stand by it.

  • Chris Gabel
    Oct 5, 2023

    Agree. We have angry docs who can't find transcriptions on past visits as they move from transcriptions after so many days.

  • Donna Halmans
    Oct 5, 2023

    This is still a huge problem. Transcription system entered provider notes need to either be loaded into the Notes system or at the very least be linked to Documentation in Clinical History so it is easier and faster to locate provider dictation. When it comes down to it, DOCUMENTAITON, no matter how a provider chooses to do so, should be TOGETHER in a chart.

  • Linda Pfeifle
    Sep 13, 2023

    Transcriptions need to show in notes. A transcription is very important and I think a lot of people miss seeing them as they are so used to looking in Notes and they forget all about the transcription tab. There are staff members who don't know who dictates and who doesn't and it leads them to miss information in the chart.

  • Nicholas Dunn
    Aug 19, 2023

    Please also add any Phys Docs to Notes view pane as well. We need providers to be able to view any other provider documentation. This includes Transcriptions, Notes, Phys Docs, etc. Currently this is just one more place where users must know to go somewhere else in the system to get information that makes sense to be in one pane.

  • Guest
    Jun 8, 2023

    This would be great! Since moving from Centriq to Thrive, our provider feel that they don't see the "whole" picture. Clinical History is honestly so full of data, it is not good to use as a daily part of the workflow.

  • Donna Halmans
    May 18, 2023

    This has been a huge deal to physicians at my facility. There are still a large number of physicians who prefer to dictate their notes. The problem with putting them into the Notes is that a physician then has to open each note, edit and then resign the note to get the transcriptionists name off as being the author of the note. Whether a note is entered in via Notes or Transcription System should not matter and they should all be able to be seen in the Note List in Notes. Centriq was able to have all the provider notes together in Notes List. They also should all be able to be seen under Documentation in Clinic History instead of having to click on MR and then have to filter through everything that is under MR.