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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Susan Gutjahr
Created on Sep 14, 2022

Medication Reconciliation Hold/Resume Actions

We would like to see a new pending action in Medication Reconciliation titled: Hold Med. When a patient is discharged sometimes the Hospitalist desires to direct a patient hold a med until they can follow-up with their PCP. This happens in the ED as well. Hold would keep the med on the patient Home med list. Ideally it would indicate it is on hold. When the patient followed up with their PCP they could then reconcile the patient to continue or discontinue the med. If the Hospitalist discontinues the med then it falls off the patient home med list which is not desirable. We would also use this when a patient goes to surgery to Hold all active meds. We would then like an action to Resume all active meds when the patient returns which reactivates the prior CPOE order. Today we have to use CPOE as the desintation and are essentially reordering the active meds which is unnecessary in many instances. Held meds should show on the MAR as held and in order Chron as held. When they are released to Resume they should allow admin on the MAR and show active in order chron.

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  • Tracie Bastien
    Dec 6, 2023

    agree- when a surgeon wants to hold a certain home medication for a few days post-op and then have the patient resume it, the option to do so is unclear- we use the "Modify" button to just change the "start" date but that is not clearly understood by the patient and we are not really modifying the order, just holding it.