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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Brittney Snitker
Created on Oct 10, 2022

Allow pharmacists to stop a CPOE order at the point of verification

When pharmacists determine a CPOE med order is incorrect we currently have to verify the order and then go back in and d/c it. This is not only a liability to our license but much more work than it needs to be. There is a delete button on the verification screen but it does nothing.

  • Attach files
  • Bailey Creamer
    Jan 5, 2024

    If you click Save (not save and exit), then the tabs at the top change and it will give you the open to Error DC the order. This keeps it from ever becoming active and ever showing on the MAR. Not the best solution, but it does help me! Then I go back in and re-enter the new order on the profile. The Error DC'd order won't show on the MAR, but it will show int he med list if you select All Orders - it will have the code E.