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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Created by Sarah Jimenez
Created on Nov 4, 2022

Add last visit date when in the ESCRIBE page when provider is refilling a prescription.

When a provider is in ESCRIBE refilling a patient's refill request provider would like for it to show last visit date somewhere on the screen. Providers receive high volumes of refill request but if the patient hasn't been seen in a year they need the patient to follow up before they refill their prescription. This will prevent the provider from having to open the patient's chart and searching for the last appointment the patient had. Also, it would be nice for PDC to show past appointments and upcoming appointments on a board.

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  • Sarah Jimenez
    Sep 5, 2024

    Yes ma'am exactly what provider was asking for!

  • Lauren Williamson
    Dec 8, 2023

    The new ID Panel, available on the 21.05.00 release does show the admit date in addition to the visit number. This should show at the top of the screen when reviewing a matched refill request. Does this give you the information you are needing?