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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Already Exists
Categories Electronic Forms
Created by Diana Trechter
Created on Dec 5, 2022

option to open eforms on a tablet for patient to sign in the sig box with a laptop pen

right now our nurses are printing eforms that are discharge instructions, having patient sign, then scanning back in. We want the option to open eforms on a tablet and use a tablet pen for patients to sign in the signature area. Cerner and Epic have this function and scanning documents back in defeats the purpose of electronical record.

    Oct 10, 2023

    Web Client Eforms is already compatible with any Windows tablet, Android tablet, or iPad.

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  • Diana Trechter
    Dec 11, 2023

    i have ticket in and was not give any compatible window tablets and for i-pad, you cannot resize the signature area. Even with web-client, trying to get our one page e-form discharge instructions are impossible to size signature area. I have used cpsi since 2011 and many users on the cpsi user group site still print out eforms, get signature, and scan back in.

  • Diana Trechter
    Oct 10, 2023

    The above is not true. They are not compatible with ipad in respect that you cannot adjust size of signature and it defaults to 1/3 of a page. I have ticket in for compatible windows tablet and have not received a confirmed name of a compatible tablet and one that allows signature area to be adjusted.


eforms to work on tablets or ipads for patients to easily esign instructions

we need easier way for patients to sign their eforms. other EMR's have ability to load all these forms onto an ipad so patient and nurse can easily sign. Would love for CPSI to make this work.
Diana Trechter over 2 years ago in Electronic Forms 0 Already Exists