Allow all key players within the OR Management platform to input, share, document on a patient having surgery from start to finish within one platform. Also, allow preference cards to have specific orders to push to ancillary departments and nursing.
Not having the OR Management application is holding our facility back from moving forward with other new develeopments. Can't use TWC because we cannot connect accounts to charge from preference card. Cannot use updated scheduling so we cannot use patient connect.
it has been 1 year since this idea was initiated. My surgical department is strained with the cumbersome scheduling and functions of the OR management. We need something better and soon, our surgeons are all credentialed at other healthcare facilities who have robust and easier to use OR management systems. I'm hoping there is some progress on this soon.
Anesthesia management would be a huge advancement for our facility , in ORM - also if you could add New ORM to NEW scheduling so we could get away from the old EWS system once and for all that would be huge.
our providers are also wanting a way to access their OR schedule from our website. They want their office to be able to upload patient registration information, auth, procedure CPT codes, and pick what day on the OR schedule they would like the case to be. Then they would want their office to be able to get confirmation that information was successfully uploaded.
HL7 interfaces from EWS must work with new ORM. Cost per case based off item master tab 2 details needs to be in the printable options of the schedule.
along with report for pharmacy on medications needed per case. Along with an easier way to track instruments and equipment when scheduling