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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Documentation
Created by Susan Gutjahr
Created on Dec 22, 2022

Enhance the Discharge Checklist in TP-EHR

We would like to see enhancements to the Discharge Checklist in TP-EHR.


  1. Unsigned Notes - identify an account that has unsigned notes or notes requiring co-signature.

  2. No Documentation - identify an account that has no Notes template opened or no Clin Doc documentation started.

Prevent: prevent the dc checklist from auto completing a visit if prior the visit has been manually marked as incomplete. We use the incomplete indicator to identify an incomplete chart per HIM standards. If however we mark it incomplete before the patient is discharged off the tracking board, the discharge process triggers the dc checklist review and could auto complete the chart even though we had just manually marked it as incomplete.

  • Attach files