Please make Web Client and applications such as Notes compatible with Dragon medical one (Nuance) software. Currently, you can't directly dictate into web client without a popup box from the dragon software due to incompatibilities. I have worked with Dragon to try and fix this and they are unable to figure out a solution. A dictation based documentation application should be compatible with all popular dictation software. Some of our users are reverting back to TUX because they don't want the dictation box.
The text box always opens and the text will not always transfer or will only transfer partially. Additionally, only when using Dragon with Evident (works in our other applications, EMRs, and Word without any problem at all) text that was previously dictated, sent to the application, and cleared from the text box will populate again when the user tries to add additional information. The problems exist in TUX as well, but at least there the user can manually push the dictation box contents to a note. We have tried using the basic text control option in Dragon and it does not remove the text box pop at all for us. This really, really needs to be correct. Just had a specialist physician today threaten to no longer see inpatients at our facility if this cannot be fixed.
For any interested, if you contact Dragon Medical One(Nuance) Support directly they may be able to help you with this issue by installing the latest build of Dragon and putting you on a Basic Text control. This probably still takes away some of the advanced features of dragon, but you still get rid of the dictation box in web client. I've added the nuance support page link where you can create a support account if your facility doesn't already have one.
Yes, especially providers that move from different facilities - they ask 'why can't i jump to the flag with my button' they have to use F2 instead of the powermic navigation. They can't use any of the verbal commands with voice dictation without using the text box.
Agree! we have gotten much push back from providers because we were able to remove the dragon edit box while usign Notes in TUX, now we lost functionality.