I think it would beneficial to have an option for providers to "hold" an active order instead of discontinuing it or having nursing omit it daily on the MAR. That way it would be less of a chance of forgetting to continue it at a later date or upon discharge, or for it accidentally be given by nursing instead of omitted. It should still be on the MAR with a different color to indicate it is being held, but also it should be unable to be administered until it is resumed by provider.
This has been a regular topic of conversation at our facility. We really do need a way to do this.
A hold option for orders is needed for safety and efficiency reasons. It should be as easy as clicking hold and entering the provider who is putting it on hold with the date/time and then it should be that way until the hold is taken off or if there is a specific date that the hold is to come off there should be a spot to enter that also at the time of the hold.
Manual hold release or how to schedule when hold is to end. (AHMC ranked item #7/ situation # 9914758 and TIF tif-920)