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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Notes
Created by Sabrina Wiles
Created on Jan 5, 2023

Providers need the ability to Reassign Drafted Notes to the on coming Provider.

ED Providers get a notification in their Unsigned Drafts folder on their tasks page. At shift change the Provider that is handing off to the the on coming Provider needs the ability to reassign the task for Unsigned Draft Notes to the on coming Provider for patients that have not been dispositioned/discharged yet.

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  • sara downing
    Apr 2, 2024

    You merged 2 different ideas together, this one is directed at unsigned draft folders not edit addendum, which is what i wanted to leave a note on, so I had to make a new idea instead. Had this been the original item prior to merge, i would have entered this:

    We need the ability to edit the addendum on notes, not just mark erroneous and start over. If we make a mistake on the original addendum, you can only erase the addendum and then create another one. This is not to create a days on end narrative. this is for a single user to have the ability to edit their own entered addendum.

    Pathologist charted their slide review. New findings came back on the slide, they entered an addendum. They made an error noted right away and could not fix what they had entered.

    Surgeon charted a colonoscopy report. Findings came back, they added an addendum. Needed to correct the addendum by adding in more information and cannot.

    There isn't a copy function either to copy to new addendum to make it easier to fix. There also is not a date/time calendar to change if you wanted this to reflect a different date/time like the note provides.


Need ability to edit own addendum

Providers, especially those in the ED, need the ability to edit their own addendums and/or save it as a draft. Our current workflow for patients that are turned over to a new provider is for the original provider to sign their note and then the on...
Linda Beeson almost 2 years ago in Notes 0 Product Owner Review