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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Ancillary
Created by Nikki Csiki
Created on Jan 12, 2023

Please code ALL radiology contrast materials in Allergies to alert rad users of contrast allergy

Currently, the only way to get the red contrast allergy alert to trigger for radiology users is to specifically select an option the begins with "CONTRAST". The issue is that the allergies are still searchable by name without the "CONTRAST" addition and are often added that way, for example, iodine. Additionally, if the user searches "iodine" the option to select the "CONTRAST" version does not even appear. I have added an attachment. Lastly, many people that are allergic to iodine have never had a contrast radiology study, so there is no possible way to know if they are actually allergic to the contrast. Radiology staff, however, still need to have the red alert for this so that they can take precautions as needed for the patient. Iodine is just an example, but it is the same for other contrast media as well. This is an ENORMOUS patient safety issue and we have brought it to Evident's attention many times. Please correct this ASAP.

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  • Stephanie St. Andrie
    Jul 5, 2023

    We are looking into this request to determine to effort involved and which release we can assign it to.

  • Nikki Csiki
    Jun 30, 2023

    Is there any progress on this?

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