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Status Product Owner Review
Created by Mark Boomhower
Created on Jan 12, 2023


When an order is entered as a verbal or phone order, it can be redirected to the correct provider from Order Chron only if it isn't processed and the user who entered it realizes the wrong provider is associated to the order. If an order goes to a provider's E-sign queue they have no way to address it if it doesn't belong to them or if they didn't give the verbal/phone order to a nurse. E-Sign needs an option that will enable providers to return a verbal / phone order to a queue for reassignment.

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  • Mark Boomhower
    Jul 22, 2024

    @Beth Adams, Has there been any progress on this idea?

    2 replies
  • Beth Adams
    Feb 15, 2024

    @Guest, thank you for the additional details and I apologize for the confusion with the status. This DF Idea needs to be discussed internally with the applicable Development POs. I will get the status updated so it's more clear.

  • Mark Boomhower
    Feb 14, 2024

    Just a question since I don't see a way to address the Status placed on this idea..."More information needed"...what information? Physician are not going to sign orders they didn't enter. This occurs in the ER and on the floors. If there's a shift change and the provider name isn't updated by either registration or the unit secretary in a timely manner, the wrong name ends up on any phone or verbal order entered in the meantime if the user entering the order doesn't switch it in OE5. Currently there's no way for a provider to reject the order. They either need to sign for something they didn't do or a formal letter with signatures needs to be submitted so it can be removed by Evident. It's an act of congress to have it removed that way, so giving providers an option to return the order into Order Chronology will greatly simplify the process. Because the order is unsigned, there should be a notification associated with orders addressed this way so the correct provider can be notified. Possibly a queue that Medical Records can use to locate the correct provider and assign it to their queue.

  • Sara Kress
    Dec 13, 2023

    The chart defaults to the attending provider, so nursing usually goes with the flow because that is usually accurate. But if the surgeon or the provider doing rounds when the attending is off, places a verbal/phone order it gets missed easily by staff. If the attending knows that they were not there that day, they can send it back to the queue or guess at the correct provider and forward it to them.

  • Lori Luciano
    Jan 26, 2023

    I have providers that would like an option to refuse to sign an order that they did not give. They would like it to go back to whomever entered the order.

  • Guest
    Jan 19, 2023

    Agree, and also a better way to audit orders. The report you run to see unsigned orders can not be organized by provider which is very frustrating.

  • Jeff Stuart
    Jan 13, 2023

    This is a great idea. Even if you started with just a Redirect button that goes to Order Chron, at least it would guide them that there is a way to do it.