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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
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Categories Demographics Panel
Created by Felicia McDonel
Created on Jan 24, 2023

Admit/discharge date and times on patient info banner

Would like to see admit/discharge dates and times on the patient info banner. You can find the dates in demographics but times are not listed. You have to go to system menu and look under profile listing to see this information. Not a good workflow

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  • Lori Luciano
    Jan 26, 2023

    Why not instead of putting it on the banner actually add the times to the demographics area? or create a dropdown banner like in the POC virtual chart for that data.

  • Linda Pfeifle
    Jan 24, 2023

    It would be great to see admit and discharge dates/times as we have noticed that sometimes there can be a discrepancy between the ER log and census, and it would be great to see that at a glance without having to try to find a facesheet or go into census.


Update Demographics Panel (Attending Physician, Code Status, Admit Date)

It would be very helpful to many people if the Admit date/physician name would be displayed in the Demographic bar/banner inside the patient account. Admit date being higher priority over physician. This info would best be displayed in front of or...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Demographics Panel 14 Shipped