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Created by Maryanne B
Created on Feb 6, 2023

Administrative Functionality to hide Thrive Default Filters in the Create Note Panel

Would like the ability to hide Thrive Default Filters in the Create Note Panel for users as an administrative functionality to be able to control what information our users use to pull into the note. EX: We would prefer our physician to use the Ordered Medication Table vs. the List because the list does not display does and route.

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  • Mary Ruckart
    Oct 4, 2023

    Could you please provide more information on how this is causing med errors? The Ordered Medication List was only intended to display the ordered medication description in a list format. The Ordered Meds Table will display the information you need in a table format. The List is intended to be the abbreviated version. If the above information is needed to display in the note, users should be using that table over the list. A template may also be prebuilt with the table so they do not need to select the Ordered Med List from the filter list. As well as a custom filter may be built that displays the above information in a list format and has that prebuilt into the template if they like the look of the list format. Using the medication filters was never intended as place to give medications.

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