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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Unlikely to Implement
Categories 3R Management Suite
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 6, 2023

3R payroll register formatted like Evident/CPSI payroll register

The 3R payroll register should be able to show auditable information both from an internal review process but also for annual audits. The one available through Evident provided all the needed information in one consolidated report compared to 3R and having to pull multiple reports.

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  • Waylon Moody
    Aug 30, 2023

    3R Management Suite Reporting is truly Database reporting. All reporting is customizable for the data desired. Due to this, reports like Thrive PR Register, which includes heavy data lift and formatted in Thrive as a canned report, would be unable to be mirrored exactly. The mirroring is not possible with current design offering the customizable database reporting.

    We do have a project under consideration to allow Merge and Pivot options within 3R Reporting Templates. This would allow for data across templates to merge into a single report and also pivot options to present the data to best fit the desired "look" when PDF is chosen. Please see DFE-I-1008.