The Order Set/List/Protocol Report is a good idea, but needs further development to be useful. The following is needed to make this an effective tool:
1) the order set name needs to be included in the header for the order set.You can't tell which order set you are looking out without investigation into the content.
2) The orders/headers need to be reported in the same order as they are built in the order set. If a header belongs to a set of orders it needs to display in that manner. It is not helpful at all to have all of the headers listed together. Respect the order.
3) There needs to be an option for a page break between order sets.
4) There should be an option to select ONLY the order sets you want in the report.....currently is all or nothing.
I have tried and tried to find a use for this report, but have resorted to manually taking screen shots as it really isn't helpful in its current format. PLEASE make these changes. This would be such a powerful report with these changes.
ALSO need to add in columns for frequency and comments
Also, we should be able to print order sets. There should be options to print individual sets - individual sets or all sets for a certain provider, etc... It is unacceptable that with today's technology, we are forced to take screenshots of each page to get order details.
In additional to the changes requested above, add a column for Last Date Used. This will aid admin staff when reviewing Sets/Lists/Protocols to see unused items that could be removed or made inactive.
I agree 100% plus the report should pull the long description. You may have a nursing order that is VS Q4 but your long description is VS Q4 while away as well as when creating medication orders. The item master may say Morhpine 4 mg because thats the size vial we carry but the set up is actually for Morphine 2 mg PRN Q4 for Pain 8-10. This is all in the long description and not shown on the report at all. You have to then go into to each line to see what it is actually set up.