@ Stephanie St. Andrie - either hover the attending physician name that displays to see who the PCP is display OR in the banner either before or after the attending physician name the pt's PCP. Appears to have enough real estate to do this. But even more importantly would be the ability to click right there and add the pt's PCP if it is listed as none so the hovering might not work.
For the Clinic ID panel, we are pulling the Primary Care Provider to the ID Panel. For the Hospital ID Panel the Attending Physician displays on the ID Panel. Do you want to see the Primary Care Physician on every ID Panel for every user?
@ Stephanie St. Andrie - either hover the attending physician name that displays to see who the PCP is display OR in the banner either before or after the attending physician name the pt's PCP. Appears to have enough real estate to do this. But even more importantly would be the ability to click right there and add the pt's PCP if it is listed as none so the hovering might not work.
For the Inpatient ID Panel, would you want to have the Primary Care Provider be available in a hover over the Attending Physician name that displays?
For the Clinic ID panel, we are pulling the Primary Care Provider to the ID Panel. For the Hospital ID Panel the Attending Physician displays on the ID Panel. Do you want to see the Primary Care Physician on every ID Panel for every user?