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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Modify Vitals App to include Pop-up warning message

When entering Height/Weight in the VS application errors can occur if the user doesn't notice which field their cursor is in when they enter data (Inches vs Centimeters). If Centimeters are used when a user thinks they're in the field for Inches and update the application, the height is displayed in Inches in the Banner at the top of the chart and Inches followed by cm in the VS grid display. Adding a pop-up message like "Are you sure" when entering data in these fields would avoid such issues.

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    • Mark Boomhower
      Oct 17, 2023

      Or have ranges set on the fields so if a user enters a value outside the "normal", they receive a warning of some sort, whether it's an outline or highlight on the field or a message doesn't really matter so much as long as it's something that will draw attention to the error so it can be corrected before updating.

    • Stephanie St. Andrie
      Oct 10, 2023

      I think having to answer a question 'Are You Sure?' after entering all Heights/Weights would be very annoying. Would you only want the pop-up warning for these two fields? I would think any of the Vital Signs fields could cause errors if the user does not notice which field their cursor is in when entering data. Would an alternative idea be to highlight or put a line around the field that is in focus? This way, there would be an indicator as to where the cursor is on the screen.