There has got to be a better way to create a referral and send it electronically; there is seriously way too many steps to this process and nothing guides the user to do it correctly.
So as we keep trying use this, now we realize there is no easy way for the nurse to know that there is a referral that needs addressed. The provider does the referral, but then has to go back to communication to send a note to the nurse about the referral. More. Clicks. I have been BEGGING for a Clinic Workgroup, as these clinic items just keep getting pushed to the side and we're on our own to find our own work arounds. We're coming up on the 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this DREAM. This is a MAJOR piece of clinic workflow, and here it sits. We have 5 providers still holding off on saying yes to the clinic. We have literally 1 off site clinic provider that it using it, and having trouble convincing the rest that the change is worth it. Plus we know clinic is being ignored, so it makes it hard to justify pushing them into Thrive just yet. Laura Colbert
As I dig more into the referring provider table, it gets worse. Everyone can touch this. Everyone in clinic, everyone in the hospital. So anyone needing to refer a patient can add a new provider with NO PARAMETERS. And there is nothing on the screen to guide a user to enter that provider last name first. This is a MESS. Laura Colbert
As we dig more into using our EMR, we have run into this referral piece. The first issue we have hit is that the Referring Providers are not broken out by First Name Last Name, just Name, and you have to search by whatever the first characters are in that box. Well, it's the first name of the provider, with no way to search by last name unless we completely rebuild our referring physician table. Which we will probably have to do so we can search consistently by a last name.
Are you actively engaging with these comments? Could we possibly receive a more comprehensive update on the status of these ideas? We're eagerly awaiting to see the direction you take with them. Despite hearing that Dream Factory is the optimal platform for our ideas, it appears that even some of the most well-received suggestions are not gaining traction. Several highly popular concepts have been languishing on Dream Factory for over a year without significant progress being evident to your customers. This stagnation is eroding our confidence and belief that our opinions and ideas hold weight.
I agree, I have even had another vendor who is set up to receive smoking cessation referrals requesting to go over the process and commenting that the process is excessively long. This desperately needs to be streamlined, there is so many clicks that it is difficult for the end users to learn the process.
Consider accomplishing this from one page or put the necessary steps in some kind of order so the staff can follow it without guessing or totally bypassing the submit electronically altogether; it is really easy to exit without marking complete or incomplete also; maybe a hard stop consideration in this area? if none is possible what about a help button that offers a walk through or guides the user...
So as we keep trying use this, now we realize there is no easy way for the nurse to know that there is a referral that needs addressed. The provider does the referral, but then has to go back to communication to send a note to the nurse about the referral. More. Clicks. I have been BEGGING for a Clinic Workgroup, as these clinic items just keep getting pushed to the side and we're on our own to find our own work arounds. We're coming up on the 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this DREAM. This is a MAJOR piece of clinic workflow, and here it sits. We have 5 providers still holding off on saying yes to the clinic. We have literally 1 off site clinic provider that it using it, and having trouble convincing the rest that the change is worth it. Plus we know clinic is being ignored, so it makes it hard to justify pushing them into Thrive just yet. Laura Colbert
As I dig more into the referring provider table, it gets worse. Everyone can touch this. Everyone in clinic, everyone in the hospital. So anyone needing to refer a patient can add a new provider with NO PARAMETERS. And there is nothing on the screen to guide a user to enter that provider last name first. This is a MESS. Laura Colbert
As we dig more into using our EMR, we have run into this referral piece. The first issue we have hit is that the Referring Providers are not broken out by First Name Last Name, just Name, and you have to search by whatever the first characters are in that box. Well, it's the first name of the provider, with no way to search by last name unless we completely rebuild our referring physician table. Which we will probably have to do so we can search consistently by a last name.
Dear Trubridge,
Are you actively engaging with these comments? Could we possibly receive a more comprehensive update on the status of these ideas? We're eagerly awaiting to see the direction you take with them. Despite hearing that Dream Factory is the optimal platform for our ideas, it appears that even some of the most well-received suggestions are not gaining traction. Several highly popular concepts have been languishing on Dream Factory for over a year without significant progress being evident to your customers. This stagnation is eroding our confidence and belief that our opinions and ideas hold weight.
This would be great if this process was streamlined.
I agree, I have even had another vendor who is set up to receive smoking cessation referrals requesting to go over the process and commenting that the process is excessively long. This desperately needs to be streamlined, there is so many clicks that it is difficult for the end users to learn the process.
Consider accomplishing this from one page or put the necessary steps in some kind of order so the staff can follow it without guessing or totally bypassing the submit electronically altogether; it is really easy to exit without marking complete or incomplete also; maybe a hard stop consideration in this area? if none is possible what about a help button that offers a walk through or guides the user...