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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
144 VOTE
Status Future Development
Categories Notes
Created by Rodney Teribury
Created on Mar 16, 2023

Ability to pull all Social History sections to Notes

Currently, the Notes filter for "Social History" only includes smoking status. "Substance Use, Exercise, Travel, Sexual History, etc." should also be available as filters.

    May 31, 2024

    The development team has plans to make all of this information available to pull into Notes. There are changes planned for Social History that need to be completed first in order to make this information available within Notes. One of the Product Owners will provide an update once they have additional information to share.

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  • Admin
    Tom Gardner
    May 22, 2024

    The development team has plans to make all of this information available to pull into Notes. There are changes planned for Social History that need to be completed first in order to make this information available within Notes. Right now, I do not have any timing information to share. One of the Product Owners will provide an update once they have additional information to share.

  • Guest
    Apr 18, 2024

    We would also like to be able to pull more pieces of the social history into our Notes documentation. Without this information the note is incomplete and charting it twice isn't efficient.

  • Lori Luciano
    Apr 16, 2024

    Any patient data that is entered into the patient chart should be able to pull to the Notes application including the new code status and Isolation orders

  • Guest
    Mar 14, 2024

    Dear Trubridge,

    Are you actively engaging with these comments? Could we possibly receive a more comprehensive update on the status of these ideas? We're eagerly awaiting to see the direction you take with them. Despite hearing that Dream Factory is the optimal platform for our ideas, it appears that even some of the most well-received suggestions are not gaining traction. Several highly popular concepts have been languishing on Dream Factory for over a year without significant progress being evident to your customers. This stagnation is eroding our confidence and belief that our opinions and ideas hold weight.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Feb 12, 2024

    I totally agree. We are trying to pull the Living Condition status to a report from Social History. All the information in Health History should be able to be used for a Note and be able to extract to a report.

  • Cole Romero
    Nov 7, 2023

    Can we please only have the most recent education document added pull to the cessation education part of smoking status table? Currently, it pulls every education document ever added and it eventually creates a giant paragraph on the Note. The user either has to delete it each time or we have to take the cessation education part out of the filter. Just thought I would tag this here since it is related and already being considered. Thanks.

  • Guest
    Aug 21, 2023

    I agree. I have been told before that CPSI was exploring how to get the other social history sections to pull over. I put in a sit last week about and I was instructed to place an idea on the dream factory. I am glad I found this one so that I could vote!!

  • Suzie Girk
    Apr 25, 2023

    Agree with this, but not limited to just the additional Social History items. We need filters to pull Medical History, MAR, Preventative items, etc. Each application elements should be able to be pulled as a filter into the Note if desired.

  • Amy Miller
    Mar 28, 2023

    Pediatrics would also like to see, Social History pull to Notes: Who the patient lives with

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